Anyhoo… point is I can’t hide my insecurities behind a skunk
stripe anymore. When I was a ginger I had a sort of age anonymity, or at least
I thought I did, and that gave me a certain level of confidence. Now I am a
silver sister in a world where there aren’t many silver sisters my age. It’s
kind of kick-ass cool but it’s also kind of intimidating. After all, where do I
stand on the desirability index?
Week 1 in DC and I was anything but settled: sleeping on an
air mattress until my furniture arrived, figuring out the DASH bus schedule
(insert expletive), and hitting the ground running in my job. I went to church
that Sunday for much-needed solace. I was just happy to be there and then an
elderly man came up to me. At first I thought he was being friendly and
welcoming but then, no he was hitting on me. He was in his 60s and doing everything he could think of to get my email. Fail.
That was a bit of a blow to my ego and I
wondered if this was going to be the extent of my desirability? Old men,
awkward in social settings who feel justified in hitting on me because I’m
silver and therefore must be ancient? You can see how this has put me off a bit.

Let’s gain some perspective. What I WANT is this (see left)... What I got that Sunday was this (see right)... Not exactly uplifting to my spirits. I have had some higher points in the dating scene since then which I will divulge in a later post but this is where I was week 1.

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