So back to the original thread. I ran into an ex the other day and you never know how that's going to go- will he stare at the stripe, will he make a rude comment (one of the reasons he remains in the "ex" category), or will he be politely indifferent? After all, this is someone that was attracted to you in all your ginger glory. What happened instead was that he flirted and asked me out. Having no interest in him anymore I did not reciprocate but I did feel pretty damn good that it was yet another point scored for silver hair.
I must say I have a great number of friends and even a few exes on facebook that are my biggest supporters. I post a pic and they all rush to say positive things. I really am lucky to know truly beautiful people inside and out. And I can also see that running into an ex who isn't one of your supporters (and you have very little contact with) could be jarring and derail your confidence. I never anticipated that my hair color made no difference.
This is just another example of confidence and what that can do for you. If you're fine with how you are, the rest of the world will catch on and agree.
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