The first thing you should know about short hair is what your hair will do when it is short. Do you have fine hair with little body? GREAT! Short hair is for you! Do you have thick hair with lots of body and curl? Maybe not something you want for the rest of your life.
I am of the latter breed but I think regardless of who you are you fret over making your hair into something it's not. My mother was of the afore mentioned camp and she spent an hour every day curling every strand, teasing, and shellacking it into place. Then the humidity would hit and it turned withery and looked like a hairstyle I would want.
Mine is the opposite. I arise from a lovely slumber to a floret of cauliflower sitting on my head. I straighten and try to pin strands down so they will fall on my head rather than flagging 2" high. Albeit a current resident of the South, I have no desire to don pageant hair and do not ascribe by the words, "the higher the hair the closer to God." Those are not my words, but the words of some other fantastic smart ass.
That being the case, I remember with wistfulness the days where I would roll out of bed, run a brush and some smoothing cream through my hair and walk out the door. Truthfully, I like being able to hide behind a ponytail and pretend my slacker tendencies are a "style." But the Sheltie look had to go and I'm seriously glad I gave short hair another go.

Since this is my playtime for hair I went on Pinterest and looked up interim hairstyles. This way I can get excited about every stage in the grow out. One woman posted on Cafe Gray that she couldn't find enough cute hairstyles for grey hair. I ask you this: when you are a blonde, brunette, redhead do you look at hairstyles only for that hair color? Of course not! You look at hairstyles. Period (in case you didn't see the punctuation mark). So although I enjoyed rocking the asymmetrical bob, I don't agree with some hairstylists who think you can only go short or a chin-length bob with grey hair. You can do whatever the hell you want to with your hair. Grey is a hair color and it's a valid OPTION, just like red, brunette, blonde. Unlike most of the others it's a cool tone which immediately brightens your complexion. So let's explore the cool things you can do with it.

Looking at the pictures you can see a cute pageboy cut with bangs. So freakin' adorable! I can grow into that by late July. After going short you just want something that's uber-feminine and this cut just screams Audrey Tautou. The blonde cut will cry out to my autumnal need for a rocker cut. Autumn is my favorite time of year: it's my rutting season, the weather is cool, there's no humidity (!!!!!!!), and you get to wear cool boots and coats, and scarves (and all the stuff I knit throughout the year).

Finally for the winter I will be thinking holidays, dressing in reds and wanting to look a little less rocker and little more soft and pretty. This Katie Holmes look can be turned into soft waves or mussed for a cool girl look. So the only thing I have to do now is go to my hairstylist and have her teach me how to play with the hair I have now. After all, this should be fun. It's hair. It gets cut, it grows, it can be shaved off- it is a woman's ultimate expression. If you take one thing from this realise that it's not about the color of your hair or your age, it's what makes you feel gorgeous. So ladies, it's time we had a little fun.
PS- please post pics if you have any suggestions for how to style my hair!
ReplyDeleteI think your hair is super cute as is - but for summer, I'm thinking soft, pretty headband? Hair off the neck and all that... I have a small fear of headbands (who wants to be called out like Hilary Clinton for wearing a "schoolgirl" look at "her age" back in the 90s - which is now sort of our age) but people who pull it off look so adorable!
If you come across any really cool ones, or a crochet pattern for one (I don't knit but I do crochet) let me know? I might just go to Michael's and find a fun summery yarn and doodle around a bit, see what I come up with.
Your fellow Silver Sister,
Karen (I'm karefree2 on Gray Cafe)
Hey, Karen! I saw your comment over the weekend and got some cool headbands. I'm in an awkward grow-out stage so I think you're right: my salvation will be in headbands and clips.
ReplyDeletePS- I looked on and found some cool knitting patterns for headbands. Great suggestions, thank you!!