The pic is after my half marathon. Saturday was the 5k and Sunday the half.
It's been a really good journey to this point and I learned how I want to keep going. When I first started running, it was to lose weight. And as I ran, I liked it so I signed up for this half-marathon to see if I could do at 43 what I could not do at 23. Then I signed up for a 5k in between to keep my training on track.
As the months progressed, I ran not for losing weight but for health. I wanted to lose weight to make my runs easier. I also realize that I'm more into running a 10k than a half-marathon because running is not my only hobby. When you're running 10 or more miles, that's your WHOLE day. You dedicate a few hours to running and then when you get home it's bath time, nap, and lounge.
So what did it take to get me into running?
- Listening to the audiobook Runs Like a Girl- This is a brilliant book that shows this woman's journey from couch to marathon. It's funny, light, and inspiring.
- Skirt Sports- These clothes were MADE for women runners of all shapes and sizes. They have the right compression, pockets galore, and the best running bras in existence.
- No-tie shoelaces- Okay, this sounds ridiculous but being able to slip your running shoes on and off and not worrying if they're tied too tight or too loose is a game-changer for me.
- Beats Wireless headphones- These earphones last HOURS. I didn't think I'd like them but not having to worry about your headphones in the way of your arms or extending long enough is a great benefit.
- Tiger Balm- This is Bengay on another level; it will knock the tension out of muscles and keep them loose.
- Yin Yoga- I do the Ultimate Yogi's 90 minute yin yoga practice, which is holding poses 3-5 minutes each. This has kept me injury-free from my running.